Cllr Eleanor Rylance

Working hard for Broadclyst District Ward Learn more

What happens to my rubbish? Part 1

by cllreleanorrylance on 21 November, 2018

As you may already know, in East Devon district area, a very large district of 140,000 people, we have two main rubbish collections schedules. Recyclables are taken every week, and what’s left over, “residual waste” that is put into the wheelie bins (inaccurately marked “landfill waste”- see a later post), goes every 3 weeks.

Much of what used to go into the grey wheelie bin was recyclable, but East Devon district council did not have the facilities for it. Sorting the recycling correctly into the bags and boxes takes seconds and helps the whole process hugely- if you’ve ever seen the kerbside crews picking up your waste, you’ll know they don’t have much time to sort it.

As with everything, time is money. And every bit of extra time spent sorting out waste goes on our council tax bills. So sorting out our recycling saves us all money- nifty!

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