Cllr Eleanor Rylance

Working hard for Broadclyst District Ward Learn more

Who am I?

I’m a translator living in rural Broadclyst Parish in lovely East Devon, where I’ve been lucky to live since 2003.

I’m married to Adrian, and we have have four children- one at primary school and three at university. We keep a few chickens, and own a large soppy dog and a cat that thinks it’s a dog.

I’ve been a parish councillor for Broadclyst since 2006, a role in which I thoroughly enjoy being able to help bring positive change to my large village. I was honoured to also be elected district councillor in a by-election in May 2017, and have since then helped many people with problems with their bins, and more seriously with the quality of their newly-built houses. Since my election I’ve sat on scrutiny committee at district council, which scrutinises the council’s actions, as a crucial  part of the accountability process. This year I am also on the Waste and Recycling think tank, and on Strategic Planning.


My ward includes the villages of Clyst St Lawrence, Rockbeare (inc Marsh Green and Rockbeare Hill), Poltimore, Clyst Honiton, Clyst Hydon, and Broadclyst (including Westclyst, Budlake, Beare, half of Hele, Killerton, Westwood, Broadclyst Station), and the brand new town of Cranbrook which has the youngest population in Devon. It has nearly 10,000 residents! As you can imagine it keeps me quite busy. It takes nearly 3 months to get around it the way I like to- walking around talking to people. I am always available to you via email, Facebook, messenger or text- please do get in touch if there’s something you’d like help with.


District Council covers:

-Bins: Waste and Recycling

-Planning: not only individual applications but also the large growth areas in my ward.

-some Council-owned homes


In practise though I’ve found I can also point people in the right direction on a much bigger range of topics. I’ve a strong personal interest in food security and community cohesion and resilience.